Monday, October 03, 2005

time to update

week of Sept.26, didn't do much. I went to the ranch 99 with Tim's little brother, and on the way we had an adventure driving around. For lunch we had a great pizza at Cheeseboard, got lost, and then drove down a cool street in North Berkeley, to finally find our way. However, driving down that street (which reminded me of home) made me want to take public trasportation over the weekend. Why? Well, because: 1. I wanted to learn how to use the buses, 2. I didn't want to use my car and lose my spot during the Saturday game, and 3. I wanted to go to . . .the yarn store. So, I learned how to use public transportation, and look what it led me to do! This is the bag not finished, . . . and finished.

Total it took me 6-7 hours to knit and 1.5 to do the finishing. WARNING, I know I hate the lack of surprise for Christmas presents, but you may all be getting one of these for Christmas, because I think they are super cute! GIVE ME COLOR PREFERENCES!!! Two colors of any shade you can think of will suffice! :)

I also discovered that I can take a bus almost directly from that yarn store (Stash) in that cool Berkeley neighborhood, to an equally cool yarn store (Article Pract) in a not so nice Oakland neighborhood. The things you learn taking public transit!

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